for first time you can open your own blog and then log in into it. if you dont know that, go to . after that, you log in right? you can click template, if you dont know where you get that, you can search in google or this is link .
How? you get that template? so many template in there. ok back to topic, you login and then click template. so, you put your template in there. click edit html, and then put it. easy right?
ahh the war is start, the level is up for this step. but if you happy ooorrr feel difficulty from this step, i think you can end it here kyahahahaha xD. ok for first time i will show you
for this costum blog, first you must know what the meaning of template. category.. how about this? "post". that is mean editing template for "post", wheter its the font, and the colour. its all about how "post" will appears. get it? hhaha xP
if you know all of this, its become easy for you, im ensure that! kyahahaha xD ok first for "font" you can change the font *like me to deathnote ryuk font* if you have the font of course hha xD. this is from me or you can search in google. after you have the font search this .post-body {font-family:'Custom Font',}. after you find it you can change into your own font. and of course the font family can be anywhere, in "post" "head" "title". thats mean font for that "post" "head" or anything. get it? dont forget to klik preview before you clik save. ok? hahahha
and from the colour you can change it. but you must know the 'code' of colour. for example for red, the code is #FF0000. how you know that? ahh from me again, the captain. this is for you
ok everyone.. good luck. from hope, become miracle. remember that
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